
Professional Telephones | Smart TV Hospitality for several markets | Communication Solutions

Professional telephones are the common choice for several markets that require satisfactory means of communication to serve their operational and attendance demands.

Thus, markets such as hotel business, retail, several types of companies and offices or the health sector, require professional, robust and high-quality telephones, reliable, easy to use, economical and intuitive features.

At Cortec, we seek to tackle the different needs of each business with different types of devices. The Communication Solutions that we provide, are enhanced by professional terminals and are an added value from a technological perspective. Its use implies a good experience for customers and excellent service.

Telefones Profissionais
Terminais profissionais para hotelaria

Professional Terminals for Hotel business

Professional terminals for hotel business have, as their main purpose, the comfort of the guests. We provide selected designs of telephones for hotels, to match each hotel style and with features that facilitate the relationship between guests and hotel services.

Televisions are updated remotely, through a server, with firmware and RF signals, eliminating interferences that disturb the guests.

To tackle the needs of this market, we provide several IP terminal solutions, analogical, wireless, with or without USB connections, for guests to charge their mobile devices.


Telephones for Hotel Business

Professional telephones for hotel businesses are robust and high-quality telephones, gathering several intuitive and preprogrammed features to facilitate direct communication between guests and hotel services.

TV for Hotel Business

TV management for hotel business enables its control to display personalised content, providing good experiences for the guests, who can also access useful information and enjoy exceptional quality.

Terminais profissionais para o retalho

Professional Terminals for Retail

Professional terminals for retail have to be resistant and multi-featured. We provide analogical, low cost and DECT wireless terminals to ensure mobility and connectivity, within the retail space, for all apps in cash, counter, office, warehouse and common areas.

Professional terminals for the health sector

Professional terminals for the health sector are conceived to tackle specific needs. They must easily sanitise and adapt to people with limited mobility. We highlight the analogical telephones and IP for all apps in patients’ bedrooms, emergency and common areas.

Terminais profissionais para o setor da saúde
Terminais profissionais para empresas

Professional terminals for companies

Professional terminals for companies ensure effective communications and superior voice quality. We highlight the IP terminals, digital, analogical, wireless, DECT, Bluetooth and unified communication solutions. We also provide devices prepared for different types of environments, complying with fire safety and explosion risk standards.

We provide several professional terminal solutions that facilitate the provision of services in several business areas.